Moving into a new home is a complicated experience, particularly when you’re making the move to a new city or town. The easiest way to make buying your new Raleigh property as simple as possible is to make sure that you’re working with a Realtor who can guide you through every complication and hurdle you might encounter along the way.
Of course, with dozens of realtors out there all claiming to be the best that money can buy, it’s hard cut through the hype and find someone who’s trustworthy and honest. Here are just a few tips to help you select a realtor that can help you make the biggest purchase you’re ever going to make.
1. Start by Knowing Where You Want to Live
While you might already know that you want to live and work in Raleigh, it’s helpful to do a little more research into which part of town appeals most to you. Knowing where you want to live can help to improve your agent search by narrowing down your options.
The more specific you can be when it comes to figuring out what you’re looking for, the better your chances will be of finding someone that suits your needs.
2. Ask for Referrals from Friends and Family Who Live in Raleigh
If you’re moving to a new city for the first time and you have no idea where to get started in looking for a Realtor, then it’s a good idea to ask for advice from friends and family members. In fact, according to the NAR 2016 profile of homebuyers and sellers, around 42% of buyers use agents referred to them.
For the best results, try looking for recommendations from a coworker or friend that have previously used an agency to sell their Raleigh home, this will make it easier to choose someone you can trust.
3. Know The Realtor’s Experience Level
If you’re thinking of working with an agent that was referred to you, then you should be able to determine their experience levels and vet their reputation by asking previous clients about the benefits of working with them. If you’re a first-time home buyer, then it’s a good idea to find someone who’s willing to treat you with patience and show you the ropes. After all, buying a home can be complex at times.
Make sure that your agent is thorough too. For instance, look for signs that your realtor is willing to go above and beyond to inform you about a leaky roof or ripped wallpaper.
4. Pick the Right Credentials
Finally, just as lawyers and doctors have their own specific specialties – so to do real estate agents. When you’re looking for the best realtor, make sure that you keep your eyes open for someone that has the special training you need. For instance, terms to look out for include:
- SRES: This stands for “Seniors Real Estate Specialist” and means that the agent has training to support buyers and sellers over the age of 50
- ABR: This stands for “Accredited Buyer’s representative” and it means that the realtor completed training in representing buyers throughout transactions.
- CRS: This stands for “Certified Residential Specialist” and it indicates that the agent was trained in handling residential sales.
This blog was written by our friends at Bellhops Moving! For more information about choosing the best realtor for you, check out this video with 3 tips to find the perfect realtor.